[imp] Fw: Configuration of Outlook Express

Frank Pineau frank@pineaus.com
Wed, 01 Aug 2001 11:41:14 -0400

On Wed, 1 Aug 2001 15:58:30 +0100, you wrote:

>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Frank Pineau" <frank@pineaus.com>
>> IMP is a web-based mail client.  You can't POP your mail through it =
>> Outlook.  Hotmail works the same way. You don't point Outlook to =
>> website, you point it to Hotmail's POP3 server.
>Actually you don't.  You point it to the HTTP server; perhaps this sends
>Outlook Express/Outlook settings that allow it to connect via IMAP; but =
>definately a HTTP server of some sort.

Really?  I didn't know that.  Well, then that goes back to the original
question.  Is there a way to get OE to work with IMP?, and the corollary
question, is it necessary or is it better to just point OE to your POP3/IMAP


Frank Pineau  ------------>


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