[imp] Tarball with all sources in it

Rick Romero Rick@valeoinc.com
Tue, 28 Aug 2001 16:15:31 -0500

On 28 Aug 2001 at 13:49, Travis Zadikem wrote:

> A few friends of mine have been looking at IMP/HORDE
> for a while, but keep getting shyed away because of
> all the downloads that they have toget first (i.e.,
> PHP4, APACHE, openssl (if they want ssl), imp, horde,
> etc).  Why doesn't someone create a tarball with all
> the sources in it.  
You can't really.  There would be a version for each apache module, 
for each apache verison, plus each PHP version, (but do you want 
everything compiled into php, compiled into apache, or do you want 
all modules?)  What platform are you going to run on? RH 6.x, BSD, 
Sun,  libc6 or glibc2?

I assume you want it optimized.  Compiled for 386, 586, 686? SMP?

I obviously don't speak for the programmers and maintainers of the 
Horde Project, but if you can't mumble through the INSTALL 
documentation, and manage to get a Web Server running with PHP 
support, you probably shouldn't be attempting it.

Keep in mind, each module you require (i.e. 
imap,mysql,php,apache), pretty much all come in RPM form (if 
you're running RedHat - they'll be on the CD.), and BSD has the 
ports collection, so it's really not too difficult to get everything up and 
running if you run the release version.  just verify test.php works, 
and fix what it says is broken.  It doesn't have to work 100% on your 
first attempt.

Once you have that up, graduate to the CVS version.  (Though I 
think the CVS version is much more straight forward to install, it's 
not considered production code)

That way a person can just
> download the tarball, unzip it and then go into each
> directory and run the make for each particular
> program.  This would save a lot of time in the long run.

That's really not too much different from downloading the RPM for 
each program.  The two places you need to pay attention, are 
making sure PHP includes the sources it needs (imap, mysql), and 
apache includes the sources it needs (php).  

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Rick Romero

IT Manager
Valeo, Inc.