
Guillermo Guillen Angel
Mon, 10 Sep 2001 09:11:36 +0000

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Hi list.

I'm trying to install IMP 2.2.6 .  but when I try to open it , it sends
me this error

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: page_open() in
/usr/local/apache/htdocs/horde/imp/mailbox.php3 on line 104

What can I do? where is that function defined?

thanks for your help


L.I. Guillermo Guillén Angel                 tels. 36194028  ext. 117
Jefe del                                           36196910
Centro de Computo de Investigación y Posgrado      36192379
CUCEI                                              36196017
Universidad de Guadalajara                         36503680
                                             fax.  36194028

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