[imp] Login (horde auth = 'imp') always returns "Login failed for some reason..."

David Peoples davidp@touringcyclist.com
Mon, 29 Oct 2001 17:28:02 -0600


I'd try going back to file-based session storage, just to remove one
complication. It's easy enough to do, at least with PHP 4.0.6:

Here is the relevant section of my Apache httpd.conf file. The important lines
are the session.save_handler line and the session.save_path line:

  ServerAdmin davidp@touringcyclist.com
  Document /usr/local/apache/imp3
  ServerName horde.tc.local
  DirectoryIndex index.php index.html index.php3
  AddType application/x-httpd-php  .php
  Alias /horde/ "/usr/local/apache/imp3/horde/"
  php_value auto_prepend_file
  php_admin_value session.save_handler 'files'
  php_value session.save_path '/usr/local/apache/php4/var'

The 'prepend.inc.php' code used to contain the MySQL session initialization
stuff. Now it just contains this:

    ini_set("session.save_handler", "files");

This is belt-and-suspenders stuff. I think you need only the settings in the
httpd.conf file, and that call to ini_set() is unnecessary.

As to debugging your problem, have fun! I'm sure the Horde/IMP login process is
no more complicated than it needs to be, but it sure made my head swim trying to
follow it. When I was tracking down my problem, the first obvious problem was
_after_ the initial login (horde/imp/login.php I think) when the server would
try to load horde/imp/mailbox.php. In this page is a call to setupSession()
(which is defined in horde/imp/lib/IMP.php). That function is supposed to
restore the saved session variables, and always failed. Failure caused a loop
back to the horde/imp/login.php page.

You'll have to insert a bunch of strategic error_log() calls and just see what
happens. Either I'm doing something wrong, or Horde/IMP even with the reporting
turned up to DEBUG puts out very little logging info on its own.


David Peoples
The Touring Cyclist, 11816 St. Charles Rock Road, Bridgeton, MO 63044
tel: 314-739-4648  fax: 314-739-4972
davidp@touringcyclist.com  http://www.touringcyclist.com