[imp] Login (horde auth = 'imp') always returns "Login failed for some reason..."

David Peoples davidp@touringcyclist.com
Mon, 5 Nov 2001 22:30:06 -0600


I'm glad to hear you solved your problem. It sounds like most of my 
suggestions ran you up some blind alleys. But maybe I encouraged you to keep 
trying, and that is a good thing. <g>

I remember well being impressed when I demo-ed the new IMP, and then being 
depressed when I couldn't get my own copy to run for several days. It is a 
very nice interface, and the other people at my company who've tried it so 
far are very impressed too. Have fun!


On Monday 05 November 2001 09:06 pm, you wrote:
> Well, David; your fantastic help has paid off.  If you ever plan to hit the
> Toronto area, drop me a line 'cause I owe you just about a KEG full of
> beer...
> I turned on PHP logging as you suggested, and the warnings popping up in
> there were confusing - I seemed to have a bunch of uninitialized arrays. 
> But I finally managed to figure out what was wreaking havoc with my
> file-based session storage...  It all comes down to one, dumb, stupid,
> mistake in config/horde.php.  Can you spot it?:
> $conf['horde']['sitename'] = 'CompEuphoria's Webmail Interface';
> Afterwards I had some preferences-related problems, because initially I
> didn't grasp the distinction between Horde's method of authorization (which
> may be sql), and Horde' session-storage (which may also be sql).  I was
> getting the dreaded "unable to connect to MYSQL" error for a while, until I
> sorted things out.  But everything now seems to be working fine;  I'm
> replying via IMP2.3, and I've managed to save some preferences.  Man, this
> new interface is slick!
> Incidentally, correcting the typo in config/horde.php also corrected the
> problems I was having re: no horde logging output.  It's pretty sparse (as
> Chuck indicated), but it's there...
> Now, to get some attachment-handlers working, and ultimately, to wire in
> Turba.
> Thanks again, sir - I really owe you!
> Jim

David Peoples -- davidp@touringcyclist.com -- http://www.touringcyclist.com
The Touring Cyclist, 11816 St. Charles Rock Rd, Bridgeton, MO 63044 USA
tel: 314-739-4648  fax: 314-739-4972