Unable to resume a draft.

Lloyd Zusman ljz@asfast.com
Thu, 27 Dec 2001 14:02:47 -0500

I'm using version 3.0-RC4, and it seems like I'm unable to resume
any drafts.

I have the following setting in imp/config/conf.php:

 // If this is true, the user will be able to resume any message in any
 // mailbox.  Otherwise, only messages marked as 'drafts' can be resumed.
 $conf['user']['allow_resume_all'] = false;

The message I'm trying to resume was put into my drafts folder via
"Save as Draft" from the Message Composition window.  But when I
access it in my "drafts" folder, there is no way to resume it.
Even when I explicitly mark it as a draft, I still seem to be unable
to resume it.

According to the info in "help.xml", I'm supposed to be able to
click on "Resume" after accessing the message in my drafts folder.
But I don't see any "Resume" command on any menus or nav bars, even
after re-accessing it after explicitly marking it as a draft.

What am I missing?

Thanks in advance.

 Lloyd Zusman
 God bless you.