[imp] Horde / IMP w/o javascript

Mike Coughlan mcoughlan@gothambroadband.com
Fri, 25 Jan 2002 10:03:52 -0500

It sounds like you are not opposed to enabling JS, or force enabling it, you
just want to make sure that IMP functions well for less savy users.

In that case, I would sooner amend the help pages than anything else. New
help might include top billing for that known issue, a test to see if JS is
enabled, and a How To re-enenable it that is based on a browser detect. You
might also enable the IMP problem report, and write a patch for a "common
problems" section in it, if new help was not enough.

I personally would only consider such a rewrite if you thought JS was
inherently untrustworthy and not worthy of enabling.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: liamr@umich.edu [mailto:liamr@umich.edu]
> Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 10:56 PM
> To: imp@lists.horde.org
> Subject: [imp] Horde / IMP w/o javascript
> Hey guys -
> In doing our first internal training on our IMP deployment, my
> boss has decided
> that one of our priorities should be getting IMP to work better
> when browsers
> have JavaScript turned off.