win32 ispell/aspell not working

Justin Zachor
Fri, 01 Mar 2002 11:36:42 -0500

Does anybody have spellcheck working on Windows2000/Apache? Hints?

I've tried _a_ton_ of different paths ('\' vs '/'; with and without .exe
extension), switches (with and without specifying dictionary file e.g. -d
.../english.hash and/or pipe -a) , language strings (tried '--lang=english' vs
'-d american'), 'aspell check' vs ispell, etc, but I just can't get anything to
happen. No parsing or log messages either. I get "Spell check complete - No
spelling errors" with my same text in the "Corrected Text" box. Wild changes to
IMP conf.php and HORDE lang.php make no effect whatsoever, as if spellcheck is
intentionally disabled somewhere(?). I don't think there's any issue with the
temp file.  Note, Ispell and Aspell both work on command line. E.g.:

$ c:/cygwin/usr/local/bin/aspell/aspell -a
@(#) International Ispell Version 3.1.20 (but really Aspell .33.5 alpha)
& teethh 9 0: teeth, teethe, teether, teeth's, teethed, teethes, teething, tethe
r, Tethys
