Configuring IMP with vpopmail + qmail

Wed, 10 Apr 2002 11:31:39 +0200

Sorry if you receive this mail twice, I dunno if it was correctly sent the
first time.
I have installed Horde 2.0 and Imp 3.0 on my linux box. I can read my mails
but I cannot send a mail (no error messages) ; the only folder i see is
"INBOX" . Plus, I cannot create folders. I get an error :
       Warning: Invalid mailbox name (errflg=2) in Unknown on line 0
I don't know what to do. My server works with qmail and vpopmail. I can
retrieve/send mails with Outlook, using pop and smtp servers set with
"" (my mail domain). I have set this option in
servers.php, but nothing works.
NB my mails are stored into:
 / home / vpopmail / domain_name / username / Maildir /
(not in /home/userfolder/mail/ !!!! Everywhere in the tuts you mention this
folder, am I the only one on Earth using another folder config ???) I have
played with folders options in imp, replacing "mail/" with "Maildir/" but it
didnt worked.
other useful info:
-apache 1.3.24
-php 4.1.2
-redhat 7.something