[imp] Turba_Driver Macs and Netscape 4

John McCoy, Jr jmccoy@mills.edu
Tue, 21 May 2002 09:56:13 -0700

Sorry I know this is more for the Turba list, but I don't subscribe to

IMP 3.1cvs (5/20/02)
Turba 1.0cvs 

>From a Mac running OS 8 or 9 and Netscape 4.x
If one uses the Problem Report page in Turba, when you click send or
cancel you get a fatal error:

May 21 09:06:25 HORDE [emergency] [turba] Unable to load the definition
of Turba_Driver_. [on line 44 of

Tested scenarios:
Mac --> Netscape 4.7 = Fail
Mac --> IE 5 = success
Win2K --> Netscape 4.7 = success
Win2K --> IE6 = success

This is more and FYI then looking for an answer.

John McCoy, Jr jmccoy@mills.edu
Central Systems Administrator
Mills College Oakland, CA
Voice: 510-430-3321