[imp] turba help

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Thu, 11 Jul 2002 23:23:26 -0400

Quoting jlewis@lewis.org:

> I'm doing some last minute tire kicking before rolling out an IMP 2.2.x
> -> 3.1 upgrade, and I just noticed that the online help for the address 
> book (turba 1.1) does not work (the help window opens, but there are no
> topics).  There seems to be no turba/locale/en_US directory.  Am I
> looking in the wrong place?  In CVS, there is turba/locale/en_US, but the
> directory is empty.

There is no online help for Turba yet.

Turba has its own listserver, btw.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
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