[imp] virtualhost
Edwin Culp
Tue, 3 Sep 2002 06:21:45 -0700
Quoting lito lampitoc <ral@codewan.com.ph>:
| Is it possible for IMP 3.1 to be hosted on virtual host. I find long url
| unfriendly for my users so I plan to use it straight from a host like
| http://webmail.abc.com instead of a long one like
| http://www.abc.com/horde/imp or putting a link like
| http://www.abc.com/webmail. I've been skimming around the archive but
| none of the related thread works for me, there is one very close
| the "[imp] Apache/IMP httpd.conf help?" by Rick Compton, I tried his
| example but it didn't work for me either. Here is my own configuration:
| ---httpd.conf----
| ServerName xx.xx.xx.xx
| NameVirtualHost xx.xx.xx.xx
| <VirtualHost xx.xx.xx.xx>
| DocumentRoot /usr/local/apache/htdocs/horde/imp
| ServerName webmail.abc.com
| Alias /horde/ "/usr/local/apache/htdocs/horde"
Alias /horde/ //usr/local/apache/htdocs/horde/
Alias /imp/ //usr/local/apache/htdocs/horde/imp/
| Alias /imp/ "/usr/local/apache/htdocs/horde/imp"
| DirectoryIndex index.php
| .
| .
| </VirtualHost>
| (I tried putting the Alias outside VirtualHost directive too for the
| main server to use, but no luck)
| --registry.php---
| 'webroot' => '/imp',
| 'icon' => '/horde/imp/graphics/imp.gif',
| 'name' => _("Mail"),
| 'allow_guests' => true,
| 'show' => true
| I copied this from Rick's example but it didn't work, so I switched back
| to my original configuration. The error says:
| The requested URL /imp/redirect.php was not found on this server.
| everytime I go to webmail.abc.com
| I've been on this for 2 days now, so if anyone is kind enough to lend a
| help, I would appreciate it.
| Thanks.
| --
| Lito A. Lampitoc
| Foundation for Communication Initiatives phone:+63(2)8941345
| CodeWAN Project http://www.codewan.com.ph
| --
| "Regardless of the legal speed limit, your Buick must be operated at
| speeds faster than 85 MPH (140kph)."
| -- 1987 Buick Grand National owners manual.
| --
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