[imp] serious mysql or imap problems on a imp server

Didi Rieder adrieder@sbox.tugraz.at
Wed Oct 23 22:10:17 2002

--On Wednesday, October 23, 2002 11:16:46 AM +0200 Jan Schneider <jan@horde.org> wrote:

> It might. We have to open and close an imap connection on every page request
> because there are no persistant imap connection possible yet. You should
> take a look at our imapproxy module that fits this hole.

Hi, I was curious about the performance of the imapproxy and tested it on our
system. Unfortunately IMP is up to 3 times slower with the proxy. So my question
is: Is this normal, or do I have to set some special options in the settings?


Didi Rieder