[imp] Customizing imp
Wed Oct 23 23:22:52 2002
Quoting Gary Weinreb <gweinreb@rocksolidsystems.com>:
| eculp@encontacto.net wrote:
| It allows
| >easily adding simple but different logins for each virtual host with their
| >own look and feel. Something like the screen shots at:
| >
| >http://monarchhost.com/pages.php?page=02/10/18/5456964
| >
| >It is actually quite simple and only takes a few minutes to add a new host
| >after the first one which is always a bit more time consuming. I also
| >use horde/config/motd.php.
| >-------------------------------------------------
| >
| Ed,
| Hi. I am a developer working with Horde (HEAD) as a platform for a
| custom infrastructure application. I read with interest the above
| thread, and didn't catch whether Judy took you up on your offer, but I'd
| sure like to!
| I was very impressed with the examples and would like to see how you
| implemented these variations in an (apparently) modular manner.
| I hope you don't mind that I've contacted you off-list. If you'd prefer
| that I just pick up the thread on-list, or drop it altogether, please
| just let me know....
Since your email I've received a couple of other questions about changing
the horde apps look and feel. As I told you it is a solution that has
developed out of necessity and hacked in at the time without a lot of
thought and no real design but it works for me. YMMV.
I took a few minutes and wrote a short explaination with txt copies of
the changes I have made and put it up at http://MonarchHost.com/share/
I hope this answers your questions and I look forward to and suggestions
that you may have for improvement. I would really like to see something
like this in the horde framework.