[imp] load balancing

Brian Clark bclark at protocolusa.com
Thu Dec 5 18:35:13 2002

We use BigIP from F5 to load balance our mail (smtp, pop, imap, ldap) 
traffic amongst three servers. We've got two of them that work in a 
fail-over configuration. If the primary fails, the secondary takes over 
for it.

However, I haven't figured out the best way load balance an IMP 
installation. I use LDAP to store all of my user information, and all of 
my user mailboxes are stored on an NFS server. How do I store _all_ of 
the user-specific configuration information for IMP in an LDAP 
directory?  Also, for true redundancy, would I need to install a 
database on each of my Horde/IMP servers? I use PostgreSQL for the one 
server that I have running IMP right now.


Liam Hoekenga wrote:

>>>What are people using for load balancers?
>>If your machines are running under Linux you might take a look at
>We're currently using Solaris 8 (SPARC), but we are going to be deploying
>some linux / intel servers in the near future.

Brian Clark
Vice President, Corporate Technology
Protocol Communications, Inc.
1751 Lake Cook Rd. Suite 400
Deerfield, Illinois 60015
T 847-236-3414
F 847-236-3401

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