[imp] Issues authenticating imap/pop3 using stock rh 7.3, 8 with imp 2.2.5 to current stable

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu
Fri Apr 18 19:25:24 PDT 2003

Quoting Miguel Feitosa <kurumi at terra.com.br>:

> I saw other people with similar problems on redhat but none seemed to
> have a solution.

The solution has been posted to the list a million times (okay, maybe not
a million, but several hundreds of times).

> Imp is using the correct URL but because of some configuration redhat
> has done on their system the URL should be changed.

No, it is obviously not using the correct URL for your install.
> This is not a bug in imp or horde code. This probably happens when you
> install a  certain combination of red hat packages. I have a full server
> installation.

It depends on your c-client included in your imap server and your php
build.  So it is dependent on your imap and php versions.

> My objective in writing this email is to alert others with the same
> issue and save people, especially novices some time. I spent 12 hours on
> this...

It is fairly well documented in the mailing list archives and in 
horde/imp/config/servers.php which says:

 * protocol: One of 'imap/notls' (or only 'imap' if you have a
 * c-client version 2000c or older), 'pop3', 'imap/ssl', or
 * 'pop3/ssl'.  

Now, it doesn't actually address pop3/notls, but it does specifically
name the c-client version where the behaviour changed.

This info should probably be (but isn't yet) also in horde/config/horde.php
(I'll see about adding it there).

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

Why get even? Get odd!

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