[imp] imp-3.2.2 messes up from addresses

Tim Winders twinders at southplainscollege.edu
Tue Oct 7 08:50:55 PDT 2003

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Well, after struggling with this problem for weeks, I finally realized
that I was running php-4.3.1.  When I upgraded to php-4.3.3 the problem
went away.

I have no idea why imp-3.1 worked OK and imp-3.2.2 didn't work correctly,
but it seems it may have been a php issue.

=== Tim

        Tim Winders, MCSE, CNE, CCNA
        Associate Dean of Information Technology
        South Plains College
        Levelland, TX  79336

        Phone:	806-894-9611 x 2369
        FAX:	806-894-1549
        Email:	TWinders at SouthPlainsCollege.edu

On Wed, 17 Sep 2003, Peter Solodov wrote:

> On 17 Sep 2003, Tim Winders wrote:
> > Again, I am referring to the FROM: address, not the TO: address.
> Yes, that's what I had too.
> > The FROM address displays in IMP as:
> >
> > 	FROM: twinders at southplainscollege.edu (Default Identity)
> >
> > But, when the recipient gets the email, it is actually delivered as:
> >
> > 	FROM: "\"twinders"\"@southplainscollege.edu
> Well, we had it slightly different.  If a user set his full name to
> "User Name", surrounded by double quotes, his From address would
> become "\\\"User Name\\\"".  The change I did solved that.  But it
> seems there are other similar problems.  Off to dig the code...
>         - Peter
> --
> Peter Solodov                    | Concordia University
> http://alcor.concordia.ca/~peter | Montreal, QC, Canada
> --
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