[imp] Empty Subject and Sender Headers

Pedro Leitao lists at leitao.com
Mon Nov 10 14:30:06 PST 2003

I haven't recently checked email on this client's system, but today
I did and found a problem. When you login and get a list of emails
in your inbox you don't see the message date, the sender or the subject.
All you get is ... for a sender and the subject. You can see this in 
the picture here http://www.stpatrickhighschool.org/images/horde.jpg. 
Originally the problem they reported was changing their password, but 
I cought this. I decided to upgrade everything, thinking that it needed 
one anyway. Right now I'm running horde-2.2.4, imp-3.2.2, and passwd-2.2 
pretty much out of the box and I still have this problem. The only thing I
can think of was the hour change last week. I actually had to manually
change the server time when I logged on. Can anyone help?

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