[imp] New mail notification

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at bigworm.colorado.edu
Mon Jan 5 11:48:59 PST 2004

Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:

| Since the recent changes to the folder code (not the very recent, but the
| preparation steps), I get notified about unseen mails instead of recent
| mails in the folder view (popup notification). Or the mails keep recent
| though they aren't anymore.

This is definitely up for debate, but I personally feel this is a more accurate
implementation of what the new-mail popup window is supposed to do.  When you
are in the folder screen, the window will keep popping up as long as there is
'recent' (i.e. freshly delivered) mail in a mailbox.  Thus, if you have 2 new
messages in your INBOX, the window will keep popping up until you visit the
INBOX.  To me, this makes more sense than a popup window that comes up once
when the mail is first delivered in the mailbox.

Reasoning: If, for example, I have new mail that is delivered into 3 different
mailboxes, a window will popup up telling me this.  I will go to one folder,
read the mail, and then go back to the folders screen.  At this point, I want
that window to popup again telling me there is still new mail in the 2 other
mailboxes.  That mail is still new to me since I have never had a chance to
look at that folder and glance at the content of the message yet.  If that
window doesn't popup again, I assume that the messages in the 2 other mailboxes
are simply unread messages, not new (here we go with the whole new/unread
distinction again .... :) )

Another problem - the "old" way of notification had faulty logic that I touched
upon in a previous message.

If the 'old' way of notification is the preferred way (comments), we could go
back to it but we should use the IMAP_Cache module to handle the details of new
mail checking.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at bigworm.colorado.edu]
The University of Colorado at Boulder

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