[imp] Fwd: Re: [dev] IMP Compose links for applications other than IMP

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Thu Feb 26 13:57:13 PST 2004

> Jan - I've noticed that the first time you do one of these calls in a
> script, the necessary Javascript files are also included in the
> $registry->call() return string. This becomes a problem if you've got
> some $registry->call()'s scattered around in the middle of an HTML tag,
> as the resulting '<script>...</script>' screws up the HTML.
> How could I include the necessary Javascript files at the beginning of
> the page, along with the others? I've tried
> Horde::addScriptFile('whatever.js'); but sometimes this does nothing for
> some or other reason. Is this what I'm supposed to be doing?

Make the call ibefore you're in the middle of the output - you just have to
expect that you might need to include a script, and call it accordingly. So
something like:

$name = $registry->call('mail/compose', ...);

include 'row.inc';

... or whatever.


"Regard my poor demoralized mule!" - Juan Valdez

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