[imp] Purging deleted messages

Dan Brown dan at familybrown.org
Wed Dec 1 13:38:41 PST 2004

Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>:

> Ah, I see what you mean - with hide deleted on, if the folder is "empty" (no
> undeleted messages), then the "there are no messages here" message 
> includes no show deleted toggle.

     No "show deleted", and no "purge deleted", the latter being more the

> This probably *has* been this way for a very long time,
> btw.

     Negative; this has been a pretty recent change.  I have a few folders
where it's very common for me to delete everything and purge the deleted
messages, and I've been able to do so until maybe a week ago (again, I
think this change happened about the same time as the RC2 release, but I'm
not 100% sure about that).  I've had IMP set to hide the deleted messages
since more or less forever.

> I'm guessing we should include it as a control next to the italic text,
> or just
> include an empty navbar with only that. Thoughts on where to best put
> the link?

     It had previously been in an empty navbar, with only "Show Deleted |
Purge Deleted" over on the right side.  That seemed fairly intuitive for
me, FWIW.

Dan Brown, KE6MKS, dan at familybrown.org
"Since all the world is but a story, it were well for thee to buy the
more enduring story rather than the story that is less enduring."
  -- The Judgment of St. Colum Cille
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