[imp] Re: Viewing any message always shows the same one.

Jason Bassford jasonb at dante.com
Sat Jan 1 07:38:30 PST 2005

Ack!  I hit the wrong key and my message got sent before I was ready to 
send it.  Sorry about that.

If I logout of Imp and then back in again, I'll see (properly) the first 
message I click on from the index in the new session - but, any time 
after that, will keep seeing the body of that same message again.

For further information, I'm using Horde 3, Imp 4, and PHP 5.0.3, under 
Apache 2.0.52.

The same thing happens with both Mozilla and IE - so it's not a browser 
related issue.


Jason Bassford         jasonb at dante.com
Inferno Enterprises    http://www.dante.com/users/jasonb/

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