RYAN vAN GINNEKEN luck at computerking.ca
Wed Mar 2 17:58:53 PST 2005

I have spent the last 3 days tring to make horde and imp work and think 
i finally got horde to do its thing kindof so i installed imp.  I am 
overwhemed by all the packages that need to work together (php, pear, 
apache, imp, horde, mysql, etc, etc,ect)

I am running freebsd 4.10 stable and have included the rest of my info 
in the test.php at the end of this mail.  Have tried to set up using 
mysql for auth and think i was really close for awhile getting cannot 
connect to mysql errors but now i have set imp to take control of the 
authentication and have this in my logs. 

Mar 02 18:39:34 HORDE [error] [imp] FAILED LOGIN to 
localhost:993[imap/ssl/novalidate-cert] as horde [on line 247 of 

HELP i am completly lost as to what is going on there are many config 
files and it seems like a million tweeks to get stuff to work please 
help.  This list is my only hope as horde will not respond and i feel 
like smashing my computer now so i can give up. 

here is my test.php

  Horde Version

    * Horde: 3.0.3

  Horde Applications

    * Horde: 3.0.3
    * Imp: H3 (4.0.2) (run Imp tests </horde/imp/test.php>)
    * Ingo: H3 (1.0.1) (run Ingo tests </horde/ingo/test.php>)
    * Nag: H3 (2.0)
    * Turba: H3 (2.0.2) (run Turba tests </horde/turba/test.php>)

  PHP Version

    * View phpinfo() screen
    * View loaded extensions
    * PHP Version: 4.3.10
    * PHP Major Version: 4.3
    * PHP Minor Version: 10
    * PHP Version Classification: release
    * *You are running a supported version of PHP.*

  PHP Module Capabilities

    * Ctype Support: *Yes*
    * DOM XML Support: *Yes*
    * FTP Support: *Yes*
    * GD Support: *Yes*
    * Gettext Support: *Yes*
    * Iconv Support: *Yes*
    * IMAP Support: *Yes*
    * LDAP Support: *Yes*
    * Mbstring Support: *Yes*
    * MCAL Support: *Yes*
    * Mcrypt Support: *Yes*
    * MIME Magic Support: *Yes*
    * MySQL Support: *Yes*
    * OpenSSL Support: *Yes*
    * PostgreSQL Support: *No*
    * XML Support: *Yes*
    * Zlib Support: *Yes*

  Miscellaneous PHP Settings

    * magic_quotes_runtime disabled: *Yes*
    * memory_limit disabled: *No*
      *If PHP's internal memory limit is turned on and if not set high
      enough Horde will not be able to handle large data items (e.g.
      large mail attachments in IMP). If possible, you should disable
      the PHP memory limit by recompiling PHP /without/ the
      "--enable-memory-limit" flag. If this is not possible, then you
      should set the value of memory_limit in php.ini to a sufficiently
      high value (Current value of memory_limit: 8M).*
    * file_uploads enabled: *Yes*
    * safe_mode disabled: *Yes*
    * session.use_trans_sid disabled: *Yes*
    * session.auto_start disabled: *Yes*

  Required Horde Configuration Files

    * config/conf.php: *Yes*
    * config/mime_drivers.php: *Yes*
    * config/nls.php: *Yes*
    * config/prefs.php: *Yes*
    * config/registry.php: *Yes*

  PHP Sessions

    * Session counter: 4
    * To unregister the session: click here <test.php?mode=unregister>


    * *PEAR Search Path (PHP's include_path)*:
    * PEAR: *Yes*
    * Recent PEAR: *Yes*
    * Mail_RFC822: *Yes*
    * Mail_Mime: *Yes*
    * Log: *Yes*
    * DB: *Yes*
    * Net_Socket: *Yes*
    * Date: *Yes*
    * Auth_SASL: *Yes*
    * HTTP_Request: *Yes*
    * File: *Yes*
    * Net_SMTP: *Yes*
    * Services_Weather: *Yes*

and here is my imp stuff

  IMP Version

    * IMP: H3 (4.0.2)

  Other Horde Applications

    * gollem: *No*
      *Gollem provides access to local VFS filesystems to attach files.*
    * ingo: *Yes* (Version: H3 (1.0.1))
    * nag: *Yes* (Version: H3 (2.0))
    * turba: *Yes* (Version: H3 (2.0.2))

  PHP Version

    * View phpinfo() screen
    * View loaded extensions
    * PHP Version: 4.3.10
    * PHP Major Version: 4.3
    * PHP Minor Version: 10
    * PHP Version Classification: release
    * *You are running a supported version of PHP.*

  PHP Module Capabilities

    * IMAP Support: *Yes*
    * OpenSSL Support: *Yes*

  Miscellaneous PHP Settings

    * file_uploads enabled: *Yes*

  Required IMP Configuration Files

    * config/conf.php: *Yes*
    * config/mime_drivers.php: *Yes*
    * config/prefs.php: *Yes*
    * config/servers.php: *Yes*


    * *PEAR Search Path (PHP's include_path)*:
    * PEAR: *Yes*
    * Recent PEAR: *Yes*
    * HTTP_Request: *Yes*

I am running freebsd 4.10 stable with horde 3.0.3 and imp 4 something 
and feel like smashing my computer.  Have tried to set up using mysql 
and think i was really close for awhile getting cannot connect to mysql 
errors but now i have set the imp to take control of the authentication 
and have this in my logs.  Note i am completly lost as to what is going 
on there are many config files and it seems like a million tweeks to get 
stuff to work please help this list is my only hope as horde will not 

Mar 02 18:39:34 HORDE [error] [imp] FAILED LOGIN to 
localhost:993[imap/ssl/novalidate-cert] as horde [on line 247 of 

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