[imp] UW-IMAP Folders

Eric Jon Rostetter eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu
Tue Jan 17 14:32:20 PST 2006

Quoting Earnie Boyd <earnie at users.sourceforge.net>:

> Quoting "Gary W. Smith" <gary at primeexalia.com>:
>> Sorry, the answer you are looking for is no.  As per the uw-imap design
>> a folder name can either be a mail store or a contain for other
>> folders/mail stores but not both.
> So, the answer is that you do not know of anything existing at the
> moment.  IMP can obviously be programmed to handle the adding of .mbox
> as the folder content and hide .mbox from display.

As he said, UW-IMAP design says a folder can be either a mailstore OR
a container for other folders/mailstores, but not both.  So, doing both
is not supported.

If you want it to be a container, create it as such.  If you want it to
be a store, create it as such.  If you want it to be both, that isn't
supported by UW-IMAP, and hence shouldn't be supported by Horde/IMP IMHO.

If you want to do something which isn't supportable, then you should do it
as a local patch to your own code, and assume responsibility for support
(and any problems) yourself.

Since Horde/IMP will allow you to create either containers or stores,
it is doing everything that UW-IMAP supports.

> Earnie Boyd

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

Go Longhorns!

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