[imp] IMAP login code

Leena Heino Leena.Heino at uta.fi
Mon Apr 17 01:41:09 PDT 2006

On Mon, 17 Apr 2006, Stephen A. Cochran Lists wrote:

> Two more problems. I can find no reference in the RFC to providing the 
> password length with the LOGIN command and then sending the password later.

In rfc 3501 it is stated that string can be either quoted string or 
literal. Imp 4.1.1, in the code you quoted, seems to send password in 
LOGIN command as literal string.

Literal string is defined in rfc 3501 section 4.3.

   Leena Heino              University of Tampere / Computer Centre
   ( liinu at uta.fi )      ( http://www.uta.fi/laitokset/tkk )

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