[imp] gpg/ pgp seems a bit buggy

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Wed Apr 19 07:22:59 PDT 2006

Quoting "Chris H." <fbsd at 1command.com>:

> Hello, and thank you very much for your reply.
> In all cases it recognizes it as a pgp/gpg signed message; as indicated
> by the lock in the upper left hand corner of the message after I open it.
> Here is an example: I have imported both my private & public keys into
> IMP. I have Sign Messages as the default option for sending email. I
> send a message to this group for example. I am prompted for the password
> after I hit send. When the message I sent arrives, sometimes it has a
> locked envelope icon, sometimes it has the paperclip next to the envelope
> icon. In all cases, I am using my same keys. When I open the message,
> sometimes I see the lock and the text indicating this is a pgp/gpg signed
> message and the confirmation that it is valid. But sometimes I see the lock
> and the text indicating that it is a pgp/gpg signed message and the
> confirmation text indicating that it is valid *and* my name and email
> address. *However*, the difference is not consistent, nor does it
> corospond in any way with the differences in the locked envelope, or
> paperclip envelope. There is no distinct pattern that I can find. So I
> was hoping that those who know, could shed some light on these anomolies.

IMP will recognize this MIME message as encrypted/signed on the  
mailbox screen:

multipart/encrypted (or multipart/signed)
   + encrypted data

IMP will *not* recognize this MIME message as encrypted/signed:

   + multipart/encrypted (or multipart/signed)
   + text/plain

Or this one:

   + inline PGP data

the mailbox screen is not going to do complex gymnastics to try to  
figure out if an encrypted part exists somewhere in the body text.  If  
the base MIME part is not multipart/signed (or encrytped) then you  
won't see an indication.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]

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