[imp] delete emails directly and permanently

Graeme Wood Graeme.Wood at ed.ac.uk
Wed Aug 27 09:30:54 UTC 2008

On Wed, 27 Aug 2008, Arminas wrote:

> 2008/8/27 Matus UHLAR - fantomas <uhlar at fantomas.sk>:
>> On 25.08.08 10:12, Khanh Truong wrote:
>>> My IMAP server enforces quotas for users. The problem is, when users reach
>>> their quota, they cannot delete messages to reduce their usage.
>> I think this is the problem you should try to solve, not work around...
> But this is not mail server's care. It's all about client programs. If
> quota is reached so user must not be able to move his emails to any
> other folder except deleting permanently.

It is the server. The client can't do anything about it.  The only way you 
can prevent this in the client is to disable the setting that allows 
people to move mail to a Trash folder when deleting messages. If you do 
that then you will force people to use the IMAP method of marking messages 
to delete and then purge. Depending on your IMAP server this may solve 
your problem, though that will be determined by how you impose quotas 
(system quotas or within the IMAP server itself) and how the IMAP server 
carries out the delete (if it needs to make a backup copy of the folder 
during the deletion process or not).

Graeme Wood, Unix Section of the IT Infrastructure Division,
Information Services, The University of Edinburgh
Email: Graeme.Wood at ed.ac.uk Phone: +44 131 650 5003 Fax: +44 131 650 6552

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body,
registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

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