[imp] associate an account to specific "to:" addresses

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Mon Nov 10 11:39:24 UTC 2008

Zitat von Andrea Zagli <azagli at libero.it>:

> Il giorno dom 09 nov 2008 13:11:20 CET, Jan Schneider ha scritto:
>> [...]
>> Doesn't make much sense to me, because there are all kind of  
>> issues, e.g. if you have more than one recipient in the To: field,  
>> associated with different identities.
> but if already it works on reply, why is it a problem on composing new mail?

Because on reply you already know who the recipients were, and can  
already set the identity in the link the opens the compose window. And  
this works independently from the number of recipients. If you compose  
a new message, you can only detect the identity while the user is  
editing the To: field.
Beside requiring some additional javascripting, there are some open questions:
- Should the identity be changed without further interaction of the  
user, aka auto-magically?
- Should be bind to the first found address or the last one?
- How do we reliably parse email addresses from recipient strings?


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