[imp] imp Digest, Vol 2664, Issue 1

Jochen Roderburg Roderburg at Uni-Koeln.DE
Thu Oct 14 09:34:26 UTC 2010

Zitat von Lou Barry <barrylou88 at gmail.com>:

> 1.
> Under Administration -> permissions
> I click on +key
> 2.
> Brings up
> Add a child permission to "All Permissions"
> I select mail imp then add
> It says "Mail (imp)" was added to the permissions system.
> 3.
> So i go back to
> Administration -> permissions
> No additional options seen

3 is wrong, you have to go to the "Mail (imp)" line and klick on the
+ button (add child permission) to see the possible imp permissions.

And another experience that I had: when you use this permission  
system, you have to add also some general permissions for imp, because  
the built-in defaults are no longer active: I have set "Show" and  
"Read" for "all authenticated users". Otherwise nobody could use the  
IMP module at all.

Jochen Roderburg

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