[imp] Activesync one Device two Accounts

Andreas Schneider as at schneider-pc.ch
Wed Jan 16 23:30:32 UTC 2013


Im new in horde. I have setup a FreeBSD 9.1 box with the latest stable  
Horde Groupware Edition 5.0.3.
Every thing works fine. I testet multiple Devices mostly some flavors  
of android smartphones and Windows 8 Mail on my notebook with  
Activesync. All works..  (on Windows 8 Mail i need a valid  
Certificate.. then the sync was run)

If I config a second account on the same device... for 1 or 2 minutes  
i saw both mails and calendars how expected... but after some time the  
1. calender is away only 2. calender up ...waiting 1. mail is emtpy.  
When i remove the second account ... all data a back.

have somebody the same problems or is FreeBSD related?

Best Regards Andreas
Mit freundlichen Grüssen

Andreas Schneider

JUERG SCHNEIDER AG Software - Computer
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CH-4614 Hägendorf

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