[imp] Error when searching other user's mailbox

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Mon Feb 25 21:43:02 UTC 2013

Quoting Jens Grüntjes <jens.gruentjes at ebira.de>:

> Hello all,
> I'm using the current stable Horde Webmail Edition, especially  
> imp-6.0.4, webmail-5.0.4.
> I experience problem when a certain user searches in another user's  
> folder. This is my situation:
> User foo has a folder called 'banken' with certain subfolders. The  
> folder 'banken' does not contain any messages but the subfolders do.  
> User bar is permitted to "lookup" the folder 'banken' and to  
> "lookup" and "read" (to say it in "IMAP-ACL") some of the subfolders  
> in 'banken'. He has no access to the rest of the subfolders.
> User bar now performs a search where he searches user foo's folder  
> 'banken' and all subfolders. The search gets interrupted and a red  
> message box appears saying "Fehler während der Kommunikation mit dem  
> Server" (sorry it is in German). No search results are displayed.

I think this is the appropriate result.  Your query is to search *ALL*  
subfolders.  If even one is inaccessible there needs to be an error,  
lest the user thinks that they have really searched all subfolders.   
Returning partial search results is not very useful, since the user  
doesn't know which subfolders these results are coming from.

You are looking for an option to "search all subfolders that I have  
access to".  But that is getting *very* specific and advanced - most  
users should not be given this option or else it will confuse them.   
And adding an "advanced" search mode sounds like a feature that would  
need to be sponsored to be implemented.

The appropriate way of searching would be to search individually the  
mailboxes they have access to.  Or better yet: remove the 'l' ACL  
right for that user.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]

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