[imp] Fetchmail memories...

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Tue Feb 26 00:13:19 UTC 2013

Quoting cjdl01 <cjdl01 at brokensolstice.com>:

> I have searched the mail list archives, and I didn't really see an  
> answer to this (though I have seen the question posited a few  
> times).  Will there ever be a fetchmail setting in imp again, like  
> there was in horde3?  I (and my users) really liked that function,  
> and it was nice that anyone could set it up (they didn't need to get  
> with me).

Fetchmail was worthless in many cases since a fetchmail process could  
easily exceed the maximum PHP process time/memory limit.

Anyway, fetchmail is not necessary (or useful) once the ability to  
access multiple accounts is added to IMP.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]

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