[imp] Viewing Remote Account

Dave Cross dave at dave.org.uk
Fri Aug 12 14:36:46 UTC 2016


I have an installation of IMP/Horde[1] version 5.2.6 which I've been  
using to access email to my domain. This all works fine, but I'm in  
the process of moving some of my mail handling to to GMail. And I'd  
like to keep looking at my email through Horde/IMP - even the GMail  

I see that in the mail preferences, there's a section for remote  
accounts, so I've added my GMail account details there.

But now I'm a bit stuck. I can't see where I can actually view the  
remote account's mail. I'm sure I'm missing something obvious. Please  
point out my idiocy.



[1] Not altogether sure where the dividing line is, to be honest.

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