Unable to delete calendar items

Dayton Turner turnerd@data-fortress.com
Mon, 16 Jul 2001 12:14:57 -0700

Hi Guys,

I've just compiled PHP with mcal/libmcal CVS, as well as gettext, etc,
and I'm running the latest horde  as well as kronolith from CVS. Im
writing again because someone suggested i download libmcal from cvs
rather than using the 0.6 tarball, and try again to get my delete
functions to work. However, it doesnt seem to have helped. Everything
else works fine except deleting! :(

I'll post a small excerpt of version numbers here:

Horde: 1.3.5-cvs
Kronolith: 0.0.3-cvs
PHP Version: 4.0.6

      FTP Support: No
      Gettext Support: Yes
      IMAP Support: Yes
      LDAP Support: No
      MCAL Support: Yes
      Mcrypt Support: No
      MySQL Support: Yes
      PostgreSQL Support: No
      XML Support: Yes

PHP Compile syntax:

 './configure' '--with-mcal=/usr/local/mcal/'


This is kind of strange, coming from cvs:

                MCAL Support
                MCAL Version
(the version number)