[kronolith] Blank Kronolith page

Dan Wilson dan@acucore.com
Wed, 14 Nov 2001 15:49:32 -0700

Quoting Jan Schneider <jan@horde.org>:

> Zitat von Joshua E Warchol <jwarchol@dsl.net>:
> > Me again :) I'm trying to install kronolith from CVS. I've got it
> > installed,
> > installed mcal from CVS, and editted the config files. But when I go to
> > the kronolith page I see a blank screen, looking at the source of the
> > page
> > I get just <html><body></body></html>. Any ideas? This is also
> > effecting
> > my main /horde page. /horde/imp and /horde/turba work great however.
> > 
> > What lines for are needed in registry.php for kronolith?
> Nothing special. But instead fiddling with mcal you perhaps want to try the
> sql driver. It still lacks a few features but it's quite easier to make it 
> work than mcal.
> Jan.

OK... so I finally decided to give up on mcal and go with sql as well... but 
I'm running PostgreSQL instead of MySQL and I get this error:

ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "{"

Of course, that's just part of the error...   it's not liking the time stamp 
syntax used... here's the full sql statement that it doesn't like:

SELECT DISTINCT e.event_id, e.event_recurType 
FROM kronolith_events e 
  e.calendar_id = 'dan@acucore.com' 
  AND ((e.event_start < {ts '2001-11-18 00:00:00.000'} AND e.event_end > 
{ts '2001-11-17 00:00:00.000'}) OR (e.event_recurEnddate >= {ts '2001-11-17 
00:00:00.000'} AND e.event_start <= {ts '2001-11-18 00:00:00.000'} AND 
e.event_recurType != 0))

Postgres' timestamps use different syntax, and I am too unfamiliar with PEAR to 
know how to fix it and keep it compatible with other db's.
