[kronolith] Error from viewevent.php (HEAD)

Jan Kuipers jrkuipers@lauwerscollege.nl
Sun, 29 Sep 2002 18:01:25 +0200

Citeren Mike Cochrane <mike@graftonhall.co.nz>:

> I a little confused.. exactly what are you clicking, and where to get this
> error?

When I click on the on the link on the event(description), the event is shown. I
can choose edit, delete and invite. When clicking on delete, the event is
deleted and the earlier mentioned error is generated.
When clicking on a delete icon of an event in one of the views, the event is
deleted, but _no_ errors are generated.

> Is the event on one of your calendars, a remote calendar or someone else's
> calendar?

My own calendars

Jan Kuipers
Systeembeheer Lauwers College