[kronolith] Again: CVS not working, any ideas

Bas Rijniersce bas@brijn.nu
Thu Nov 28 13:32:30 2002

Hi Marc (fellow Dutchman I guess :)

Quoting Marc Fellman <mfellman@xs4all.nl>:

> Sorry in advance for the fact that I could ask you something you allready
> told 
> but tht's just because of the mailvolume I receive every day.

No problem, i'll be happy to explain x times if asked..

> What happens?

Nothing is the short summary

> I have it working with Mandrake 9.0 and that's also a very recent distro. Do
> you use PostgresSQL(no experience from my side) or MySql (what I use) or 
> something else as a backend?

Mysql 4.0.4-beta-log

If I copy Kronolith 1.0 in the same location witht he same  config, all is fine 
(but no shared calender, and that is why I started this) 
> MySQL should be very straight forward. I had it working with a minimum of 
> effort (just had some things during a CVS update in relation with the shared 
> calendars). Sometimes there are a few problems with the protocol I remember.

Tables are all there etc etc

The index.php is called by the webserver, that is parsed OK. Then there is some 
code that I guess is called the month.php with the default Horde headers around 
it. That default headers are sent to the browser. But no Kronolith output in 
between. I modiefied the month.php to see if it's called. But this is not the 
> -- 
> M.Vr.Gr.
> Marc Fellman

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