[kronolith] Kronolith 1.1-RC3 is available

Andrew Morgan morgan at orst.edu
Wed Apr 9 15:32:29 PDT 2003

On Sat, 5 Apr 2003, Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:

> Horde_Image problems are finally solved, sorry.
> ftp://ftp.horde.org/pub/kronolith/kronolith-1.1-RC3.tar.gz
> http://ftp.horde.org/pub/kronolith/kronolith-1.1-RC3.tar.gz
> MD5 (kronolith-1.1-RC3.tar.gz) = e7f80c6d8739c505c118d2c1be85418e
> -chuck

Looking through my local patches to Kronolith 1.0, I found the following
little items that haven't been fixed:

1. In templates/menu/menu.inc, line 21 is:

Menu::printItem(Horde::url('workweek.php' . $append), _("Work Week"), 'workweekview.gif');

I think it should be:

Menu::printItem(Horde::url('workweek.php' . $append), _("Work Week"), 'workweekview.gif');

(take the   out)

2. In templates/week/head.inc, the css class for the Last Week and Next
Week arrows is menuitem.  I think it should be header or smallheader.  I
fixed this in a bunch of the other templates locally, and it appears that
you have fixed it in the templates for other views already.

I could provide patches, but that seems overkill for these little fixes.


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