[kronolith] Re: freebusyURI trouble

Wolfgang Rosenauer wolfgang.rosenauer at an-netz.de
Mon Feb 14 06:29:37 PST 2005

pascal at linuxorable.net wrote:

> Ok, but can you explain me what is a freebusy URL (I know free, I know 
> busy, but
> a freebusy URL is very mysterious for a French guy ) and how define 
> such a thing

It's a URL where an application can get freebusy information.
Don't ask me where it is standardized but it's the location where some 
daemon is running and answer your freebusy-requests.
This is different for every calendar user.
I can't give you more detailed information. Sorry.
For Kronolith you can click on "My calendars" in Kronolith and you see 
at the bottom your FB url for the selected calendar.


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