[nag] Silly Question - Maybe

Paul Carruthers paul.carruthers at avellino.com
Wed Aug 20 08:31:52 PDT 2003

Please bear with me, this is my first post to this list and I am new to the
horde system.  I have installed NAG 1.1, its in the default path ( ie
horde/nag ).  I am running horde 2.2

I have a working installation of IMP and other PHP apps.  Currently
everything is backending onto a mysql database that is being run from a
remote machine.  My nag/config/conf.php includes :

$conf['storage']['driver'] = 'sql';
$conf['storage']['params'] = array();
$conf['storage']['params']['phptype'] = 'mysql';
$conf['storage']['params']['hostspec'] = 'mysqlbox';
$conf['storage']['params']['username'] = 'horde';
$conf['storage']['params']['password'] = 'chocolate';
$conf['storage']['params']['database'] = 'horde';
$conf['storage']['params']['table'] = 'nag_tasks';

The username,hostname,password and database are all correct - IMP uses the
same.  However I get :

access denied for user: 'horde at mail.avellino' (Using password: YES)] **
Array [on line 88 of "/usr/local/httpd/htdocs/horde/nag/lib/Driver/sql.php"]

written to my horde log.  I have a table called "nag_tasks" present in the
"horde" database and I can see the various columns have all been created by
the example sql script provided with the tar file.

If it wasn't for the fact that IMP is working a treat I would suspect that
we have some problems getting the local mysql client to talk to the remote
server ( mysqlbox ).... - obviously imp is talking to different tables...

Any ideas... ?


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