[sork] Newest Vpopmail drivers

Paul Hamby paulh at zeecon.com
Thu Feb 20 13:23:14 PST 2003


    Its the vpopmail password guy again. I was able to get passwd to change my vpopmail passwords in my mysql 
database by downgrading to the 2.1 version and applying the patches by Juan Fajardo for the differences in vpopmail 
encryption. So I thought everything was good until I decided to use SpamAssassin and found out I needed the newest
version of Horde to use the SpamAssassin module. So I upgraded Horde, IMP and have those working again, but the 
old version of passwd gives me errors concerning gettemplatepath, and the new version still doesn't encrypt the password
in a format that vpopmail recognizes. I can give more details if necessary, but I doubt you would like to fix the old version 
instead of the newer. So my question, is if there is work being done to incorporate the type of encryption used with vpopmail 
( http://lists.horde.org/archives/dev/attachments/20021125/2cd7660f/vpopmail.bin )into the new version of passwd. 
Any help I can provide, I would be more than happy to. Thank you for your help and responses on previous posts. 

Thank You,
Paul Hamby
Network Administrator
paulh at zeecon.com

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