[sork] (reminder) Patch for vacation, concerns PEARaddresslistparser

Espen Jürgensen espen at hhkol.dk
Tue Jun 22 10:41:59 PDT 2004

From: "Jan Schneider" <jan at horde.org>:
>> Err, there are plenty of imap_rfc* calls in IMP. Don't they segfault?
>  Ah, you're right. Looking at the backlogs, it seems that only
>  imap_rfc822_write_address() was affected.
> So, what was this thread actually about? :-)

Yes, it's easy to lose track :-)

I submitted a patch which fixed a bug in Vacation. It's described here:


Basically, it's about parsing .forward strings. The patch used
imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist instead of Mail_RFC, since the PEAR module has
altered its behaviour. You replied that imap_rfc822 gives segfaults, but
apparantly that isn't the case anyway.

So you could go ahead and commit the patch. However, I have previously come
across some general resistance against using imap_rfc822 on this mailing
list, and one can justifiably argue that it is not apropriate for parsing
.forward strings, since they don't really belong to RFC 822. I don't want to
be religious about this issue, and I don't mind making a patch which uses
explode() instead. It would be less of a parser, but would probably work
fine in most situations.

So either 1) commit the old patch, or 2) tell me if you want a new one, or
3) leave the bug.

By the way, that statistics page for translations is very nice. And an
impressive amount of modules!


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