[sync] P900 and repeating entries

Andy Wright horde at eltofts.homelinux.com
Thu Apr 28 02:46:24 PDT 2005

Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:

 > So here's the problem - apparently vcalendar 1.0 has a completely 
different way of specifying RRULEs. We don't recognize the 1.0 way, and 
the P900 doesn't like the new 2.0 way. I guess we need version-aware 
rrule generation; the easy part will be recognizing the old format and 
handling it as well. Not sure if we know what vcalendar version the 
client expects during a SyncML session.

Ok, makes sense.

Is this something anyone else is seeing? Am I the only one trying 
syncing with a P900? Anyone want to give me a shout about this - I'm 
wondering if the P900 I'm using might have an out of date firmware?

Will create a bug report.


(Chuck - sorry for the off-list mail, I forgot to change the recipient 

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