[sync] SyncML performance issues: history lessons

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Tue Sep 20 12:13:47 PDT 2005

Quoting Karsten Fourmont <fourmont at gmx.de>:

> However it's kindof strange design that a call like
> $histories = $history->getByTimestamp('>', $timestamp,
>   array(array('op' => '=', 'field' => 'action', 'value' => 'add')),
>   'turba');
> returns uids from _all_ addressbooks (including other users private
> ones) regardless whether the user has read permissions on them or not.

Yeah, that's bad. We should probably be able to filter on the left side 
of the uid - like, only entries matching "foo:*" where "foo" is the 
user's share. Do we have that share information around somewhere when 
we make these calls or when we instantiate the history object?

> BTW: should I (cross-) post something like this to the dev list?

Since this is essentially a bug in the history lib and not 
sync-specific, that'd be fine. Don't worry _too_ much about it, though. 


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