[sync] Sync4j / horde rpc doesn't work over HTTPS

Vilius Šumskas vilius at lnk.lt
Thu May 11 06:54:41 PDT 2006

Jochem Meyers <jochem at mondrian-it.nl> rašė:

> When trying to synchronise (against a horde backend) using
> https://domain.tld/horde/rpc.php, Sync4j attempts to sync for a very long
> time, before throwing an error. When going to
> https://domain.tld/horde/rpc.php in a browser, it works fine, and gives a
> valid xml document:
> <disco:discovery>
>  <scl:contractRef ref="https://domain.tld/horde/rpc.php?wsdl"/>
> </disco:discovery>
> I switched apache from https to http, to see if https was the problem.
> Synchronisation works fine over http.

I can confirm all of this. I wrote to list couple of months ago but it  
seems that noone was complaining about that, and I don't use SyncML  
very often so I left it as is.

> I've also imported apache's certificate (IE doesn't complain about the
> untrusted certificate anymore, so it's imported correctly), but to no avail.

My certificate is signed by valid CA (Thawte).

I also tried syncing with my phone throught https without a result,  
however http is working fine. So I think this is not a bug in Sync4j.

   Best Regards,

   Vilius Šumskas
   LNK TV system administrator
   mob.: +370 614 75713

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