[sync] Issues with SlowSync on third sync run

Karsten Fourmont fourmont at gmx.de
Tue Mar 20 09:15:48 UTC 2007


The broken version resulted in an inconsistent data tree:
multiple objects with the same name(=primary key) but different values 
(=sync timestamps). Very bad thing. The latest patch fixed the cause but 
not an already broken datatree.

I updated the SyncML options page (in cvs right now):
go to http://hordeurl/horde/services/portal/syncml.php

It should now display the timestamps again. A broken datatree results in 
duplicate entries with same Device/Database combination but different 
timestamps. Delete the duplicate entries or do a "Delete all SyncML data".

After that you might have to do a slow sync again, but then things 
should be fine.


Garvin Gripp wrote:
> On 3/20/07, Karsten Fourmont <fourmont at gmx.de> wrote:
>> This should be fixed with
>> /framework/SyncML/SyncML/Backend/Horde.php rev1.3.
>> This in cvs since two days ago.
>> Can you give this a try and report if it's working now?
> I updated from cvs yesterday, that didnt solve my problem, but I'll do
> an update again later.
> I have the suspicion that there are inconsistencies in my data-tree,
> when i try to delete the syncML data in the Settings Menu i get
> different error messages everytime i click on that button:
> Parents not found: contacts does not exist
> Parents not found: IMEI_3536400XXXXXXXX does not exist
> and then, finally: 1 Sync data deleted.
> Thanks for looking into this.

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