[sync] [OT] Syncml issues with Synthesis Syncml Client

Koushik Narayanan koushik.narayanan at geodesic.com
Thu Feb 7 04:48:58 UTC 2008

Hi all,

Sorry for an Off-topic post.. But thought would get some help here.

I am trying to build a SyncML server in Erlang. And have got it working
with Nokia and Sony Erricson Phones. But I have some issues making it
work with the Synthesis SyncML client. There are 2 problems I face..

1. What Nonce value does the client use when it connects to the server
for the first time?

2. When I send a devinf <Results> element in response to the client's
Get request, the client sends the <Results> element back instead of
corresponding <Status>. Why does this happen? 

Since Horde works with Synthesis client.. I thought developers here
might have an idea about this..

Thanks in advance.

Koushik Narayanan

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