2008-06-30 13:37:26 GMT -5:00 - # Funambol Outlook Plug-in v. 6.5.8 - LOG file 13:37:26 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - Starting the Sync process... 13:37:27 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - Set a lower priority to the process 13:37:27 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - Set listeners 13:37:27 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - Creating SyncSources... 13:37:27 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - Creating the sync-mutex ("fol-SyncInProgress-1214847447") 13:37:27 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - Start SyncClient::Sync() with 1 sources 13:37:27 GMT -5:00 [INFO] - ************************** BEGIN of Synchronization session ************************** 13:37:27 GMT -5:00 [INFO] - Synchronization URL: https://hanarama.com:2096/horde/rpc.php 13:37:27 GMT -5:00 [INFO] - Preparing synchronization of appointment... 13:37:27 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - Checking devinfo... 13:37:27 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - devinfo hash: X6RVslSDrviwKp6WJS6WaA== 13:37:27 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - devinfo changed, retransmit 13:37:27 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - Initialization message: 13:37:27 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - 1.1 SyncML/1.1 1214847447 1 https://hanarama.com:2096/horde/rpc.php fol-Q0xGWDpqZmlzaGVy b64 syncml:auth-basic aGFuYUBoYW5hcmFtYS5jb206UmFtYTQxNw== 250000 1 202 Calendar appointment 0 1214847447 2 application/vnd.syncml-devinf+xml ./devinf11 1.1 Funambol Funambol Outlook Plug-in 6.5.8 fol-Q0xGWDpqZmlzaGVy workstation appointment text/x-s4j-sife text/x-s4j-sife text/x-vcalendar 1.0 text/x-s4j-sife text/x-s4j-sife text/x-vcalendar 1.0 2 1 5 3 6 4 contact text/x-s4j-sifc text/x-s4j-sifc text/x-vcard 2.1 text/x-s4j-sifc text/x-s4j-sifc text/x-vcard 2.1 2 1 5 3 6 4 note text/x-s4j-sifn text/x-s4j-sifn text/x-s4j-sifn text/x-s4j-sifn 2 1 5 3 6 4 task text/x-s4j-sift text/x-s4j-sift text/x-s4j-sift text/x-s4j-sift 2 1 5 3 6 4 13:37:27 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - User Agent = Funambol Outlook Plug-in v. 6.5.8 13:37:27 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - Initialization sent. 13:37:27 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - Connecting to hanarama.com:2096 13:37:27 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - Requesting resource /horde/rpc.php 13:37:27 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - Sending data of size 3385... 13:37:28 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - HttpSendRequest error 12031: The connection with the server was reset 13:37:28 GMT -5:00 [INFO] - Network error writing data from client: retry 1 time... 13:37:28 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - Sending data of size 3385... 13:37:28 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - HttpSendRequest error 12019: The handle is in the wrong state for the requested operation 13:37:28 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - Network error: the request has timed out -> exit. 13:37:28 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - Error occurred in sync: code 3 = Network error: the request has timed out -> exit. 13:37:28 GMT -5:00 [ERROR] - Error in preparing sync: Network error: the request has timed out -> exit. 13:37:28 GMT -5:00 [INFO] - ============================================================ ================ SYNCHRONIZATION REPORT ================ ============================================================ SYNCHRONIZATION COMPLETED WITH ERRORS ------------------------------------- Last error message = "Network error: the request has timed out -> exit." Last error code = 2007 Calendar: --------- Not synced. 13:37:28 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - Saving configuration to winRegistry 13:37:28 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - Writing configuration settings to the management tree 13:37:28 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - Releasing sync-mutex... 13:37:28 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - Sync-mutex released - closing handle. 13:37:28 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - Delete SyncSources... 13:37:28 GMT -5:00 [INFO] - Syncronization process completed with errors (code = 2007). 13:38:35 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - Current Timezone = (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) 13:38:35 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - Reading configuration settings from the management tree 13:38:36 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - Deleting OutlookConfig instance 13:38:36 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - Outlook configuration closed. 13:38:36 GMT -5:00 [INFO] - Exiting from Outlook client.