[agora] Notice: Undefined index: -1 in horde/lib/Category.php on line 481

Marko Djukic marko at oblo.com
Mon Jul 21 05:45:43 PDT 2003

did you install agora from scratch lately or you upgrading from an agora
installation done a while ago?

things have changed a lot in agora lately so if you have any previous agora data
it will give you a lot of undefined index errors. the only solution is to clear
out the data. also you will need to have category_attributes table in your
database if you haven't installed that already.

as for this specific error, tell me at what point it comes up? home page forums?
message threads? message? posting? etc.


Quoting Andy <andy at stronzo.d2g.com>:

> Hello,
> using latest CVS and getting this error:
> Notice: Undefined index: -1 in horde/lib/Category.php on line 481 only in
> agora.
> Category.php:
>  }
>             foreach ($cids as $id => $name) {
>                 $this->_categories[$id]['name'] = $name;
>                 $this->_categories[$id]['order'] = $corders[$id];
>                 if (!empty($cparents[$id])) {
>                     $parents = explode(':', substr($cparents[$id], 1));
>                     $par = $parents[count($parents) - 1];
>                     $this->_categories[$id]['parent'] = $par;
>                     $this->_nameMap[$id] = '';
>                     foreach ($parents as $parID) {
>                         if (!empty($this->_nameMap[$id])) {
>                             $this->_nameMap[$id] .= ':';
>                         }
>    line 481:               $this->_nameMap[$id] .= $cids[$parID];
>                     }
>                     $this->_nameMap[$id] .= ':' . $name;
>                 } else {
>                     $this->_categories[$id]['parent'] = '-1';
>                     $this->_nameMap[$id] = $name;
>                 }
> Is there something wrong with agora or my config?
> Thank you,
> Andy
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