[agora] help me ! thks!

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Fri Sep 19 04:45:24 PDT 2003

Zitat von Liu Wah Ping <liuwping at 21cn.com>:

> HI, --------------------------
>    You must login to Horde as a Horde Administrator to finish the
>    configuring of Agora.  Use the Horde "Administration" menu item to
> get
>    to the Administration page, and then click on the "Configuration"
>    icon to get the Configuration page.  Select "Agora" from the
> selection
>    list of applications, and click on the "Configure" button.  Fill in
> or
>    change any configuration values as needed.  When done click on
> "Generate
>    Agora Configuration" to generate the conf.php file.  If your web
> server
>    doesn't have write permissions to the Agora configuration directory
> or
>    file, it will not be able to write the file.  In this case, cut and
>    paste the returned configuration information into the file
>    agora/config/conf.php.
> -----------------------------
> I ask you ,  "Use the Horde "Administration" menu item to get
>    to the Administration page"  Where is this ?
> How Find The Administrator Page, Is Where ?

>From horde/config/conf.php.dist:

// Which users should be treated as administrators (root, super-user)
// by Horde? Example: $conf['auth']['admins'] = array('admin', 'john');
$conf['auth']['admins'] = array();


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